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Doggy Day Care

How many times have you left for work or for a long day away from home, and your pet looks very sad or experiences anxiety? Long periods of time alone can affect pets, so that’s why having a safe, friendly doggy day care available is such a great solution! You can go about your busy day knowing that your dog is not only well cared for, but having a wonderful time playing and socializing with other dogs under supervision!
Four Paws Doggy Day Care consists of two main yards, each connected to their own indoor playrooms to which every dog has continuous access to venture in and out at will. Dog yards are separated into 3 main areas, the Big Yard, Tiny Town and Dubai runs. Dogs are separated according to a combination of their personality, age, their pal preferences and sometimes by size. The Big Yard is for the dogs who prefer large dogs to play with. Tiny Town is for dogs who prefer smaller pals, elderly dogs who prefer the less rowdy group, new more nervous dogs and all breeds of puppies. The Dubai runs are for our special guests who prefer to be on their own for various reasons. These dogs are not mixed in with doggy day care and have semi privacy fencing to alleviate any angst. Our Dubai dogs still receive as much care, attention and supervision as do all yard dogs.
Within each yard are separate pens for our first timers to allow them to acclimate slowly by sniffing and being sniffed by others through fencing in a controlled environment where all feel safe. New packs are formed for the first timer to then move into the yard without being overwhelmed with too many new friends at once. It's a process that requires patience and timing skills practiced by our staff.
All yards are equipped with continuous fresh water facilities, dog pools for summertime fun, tunnels and play sets, dog beds inside, raised platforms outside for lounging and jumping, canopies and pergolas for shade and snoozing as well as several existing trees offering shade in summer. In the colder times we have oodles of blankets and cozy beds inside and sometimes snow outside. Our professional dog handlers and pack leaders are always on the lookout for any signs of over heating or overly cold issues.
Our indoor playrooms are quite large, have specific air filtration systems, are climate controlled year round and have large accommodating dog doors for running to/from inside/outside areas no matter how big or small the dog is.
Doggy Day Care is open 7 days a week, does not require a reservation, only requires current vaccines be kept on file throughout the membership. Day Care is closed ONLY on major holidays.
Your dog is guaranteed to be stimulated and subsequently tired after a full day of doggy day care! In fact, don't be surprised if your dog naps the moment you get home! It's their way of saying "Thank You" for giving them a great day of play with friends at school while you were at work or just busy doing whatever.
Doggy Day Care Rates
1 dog $26 per day
1 dog $17 per dog for Half Day (Up to 5 hours)
2 dogs $38 per day
3 dogs $49 per day
Prepaid Day Care Card
Save cash by purchasing a multi visit card
* No expiration date * Non-Refundable * Non-Transferable
1 dog: $230/ 10 Full * $265/ 5 Full & 10 Half * $225/ 15 Half Days
2 dogs: $330/ 10 Full * $465/ 5 Full & 10 Half * $435/ 15 Half Days
3 dogs: $410/ 10 Visits (no time limit)
4 dogs: $465/ 10 Visits (no time limit)
Doggy Day Care - Drop Off & Pick Up Hours
Mon - Fri Drop Off 7am - 3pm Pick Up 12 noon - 6:45pm
Saturday Drop Off 8am - 3pm Pick Up 12 noon - 6pm
Sunday Drop Off 8am - 3pm Pick Up 12 noon - 6pm
Prices are subject to change without notice